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Reference -oicp-sx-3000gb
Rating:0 opinion
89.00€ Exclu. VAT
Quantity : 
Warranty  Warranty 1 year

Gigabit USB Device Server Connect up to 15 USB devices
(scanners, network storage, etc.)
to the network with a USB hub

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Gigabit USB Device Server
Gigabit USB Device Server designed to easily share multiple USB devices over a wired network.

Users can access the USB devices and use them as if they were attached locally to their computers.


Top Features:

One 10/100/1000Base Ethernet port that can be connected to a wireless router for wireless USB device networking
Two Hi-Speed USB 2.0 ports supporting up to one amp of USB bus power combined
Connect up to 15 USB devices (scanners, network storage, etc.) to the network with a USB hub

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