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Reference -oicp-cfp-1808
Rating:0 opinion
785.00€ Exclu. VAT
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Warranty  Warranty 1 year

Backplane for Compact Field Point
Ethernet & serial interface
8 Slot
Backplane Only without module

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Serial/Ethernet Backplane for Compact FieldPoint, 4 Slot

The cFP-1804 Ethernet/Serial chassis connects Compact FieldPoint I/O modules to a high-speed Ethernet network or RS232 serial port.

To connect third-party hardware to the cFP-1804, a wide range of third-party protocols can be used,

such as Modbus TCP, Optomux, Modbus ASCII, Modbus RTU, and OPC, as well as NI Ethernet/Serial event-based protocols.

The cFP-1808 also includes an RS232 port for serial connectivity that you can use to access I/O and configure FieldPoint I/O modules through the serial port. You can assign an IP address and configure a module using NI Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) and the NI-FieldPoint driver.

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