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Reference -oicp-cfp-aio-610
Rating:0 opinion
285.00€ Exclu. VAT
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Warranty  Warranty 1 year

Multifunction I/O Module for CompactFielPoint
-40 to 70°C

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4-Channel Analog Input, 4-Channel Current Output Multifunction I/O Module for Compact FieldPoint

The cFP-AIO-610 can measure four channels of voltage or mA current loops from industrial sensors and transmitters and can output four voltage channels to control valves, gauges, and other industrial actuators.

It includes overranging and onboard diagnostics to ensure trouble-free installation and maintenance.

The module also makes programming easier by automatically scaling and linearizing input and output signals so you avoid the step of converting binary numbers into engineering units in your control or monitoring software.

The cFP-AIO-610 module is calibrated according to NIST-traceable calibration standards.

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